eDIP240: When touch panel is used, letters “R ,” “L” and “C” are not displayed

I have problem with your intelligent LCD EA eDIP240-7. When I try to write using the virtual keyboard, several letters  do not print: “R  ” – “L  ” – “C  ”. This always happens in the simulator and also in real embedded applications when I try to write   these 3 capital letters. With other letters everything looks OK.

For example (R key ):
# AT X,Y, X dX, Y dY “R” 0,”R

The letters R, L and C stand for right, left and center align. The 1st letter of text is always the alignment and when omitted, then the text will be centered.

So please use CR and CL and CC , for example:
# AT X,Y,X dX,Y dY R 0,CR

« C O N T A C T


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