Supported operating systems

You can run uniTFTDesigner on the following operating systems:

Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10

Installation of uniTFTDesigner

Proceed as follows to install uniTFTDesigner:

  1. Download the setup file from our website
  2. Start the setup file
    • Select a directory where you want to install the uniTFT Designer

Note: The software writes data to the installation directory during operation. Make sure that you install the program in a directory that does not require administration privileges. Otherwise, you must always start uniTFT        Designer with administration privileges.

    • Optionally, you can install the supplied examples into another directory.
    • Select whether you also want to install the USB driver. You need this driver to load projects on the hardware (uniTFT(s)). For this step you need administration privileges


Each time you start uniTFTDesigner, the software checks if updates are available. If an update is available, it will be displayed on the welcome page of uniTFTDesigner.

Alternatively, you can also check for updates using the menu item Help/Check for updates. You can find information about changes to the previous version in the data sheet under the section Revision.